Logistic Jags Example

Working together, use the code from last class to answer the following questions. Do your work in RMarkdown. This will be part of your participation grade.

  1. What is the the maximum value of $\sigma$?
  2. Estimate the mean and median of $r$.
  3. Plot the posterior density of $K$.
  4. Estimate the probability that the parameter $K$ exceeds 1600 and the probability that $K$ falls between 1000 and 1300.
  5. Estimate the posterior distribution of the rate of growth and the maximum rate of growth (you’ll need to figure out what this is) and plot their densities.
  6. Plot the median population growth rate rate and 95% credible intervals as a function of N.
  7. What is the probability that the intrinsic rate of increase exceeds 0.22? What is the probability that r falls between .18 and .22?