Syllabus: Probability and Statistics


Jason Bintz
Office: Paine 209A


Course Description
Academic Honesty
Time Commitment

Course Description

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Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan, 2nd ed., John K. Kruschke

Bayesian Models: A Statistical Primer for Ecologists, N. Thompson Hobbs and Mevin B. Hooten

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We will use R and RStudio…a lot.

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There will be a midterm and a final. These may consist of either or both an in-class and take-home component. Make-up exams will only be given in extenuating circumstances; prior arrangements must be made if at all possible. Do not make travel plans that require you to miss a scheduled exam. The college final exam schedule can be found here.

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Problem Sets: There will be approximately 10 problem sets assigned throughout the semester. These will be posted on the course website. You are encouraged to talk to other students and the professor about the problems, but you must write your own solutions and acknowledge your collaborators at the top of your work. Solutions must be clear and neat. Do not make the mistake of thinking that understanding someone else’s solution means that you are able to do the problem yourself! Finding solutions on the internet and/or copying from another student’s work is strictly prohibited.

DataCamp: There will be a couple of DataCamp courses assigned near the beginning of the semester.

In-class Exercises: I anticipate many classes consisting of workshop-like labs. These will count towards the homework grade. Whatever is not completed during class, you will have to complete outside of class.

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You are expected to be present and actively engaged for each class meeting.

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Homework will be worth around 65% of your grade, exams 25% (10, 15), and participation 10%. I reserve the right to change the grading distribution. Final letter grades will be assigned based on the scale below at a minimum (i.e., if you earn a 94% overall in the course, your final grade will be at least an A-):

A ≥ 96% B 87–91% C 74–82% D 67–69%
A- 94–95% B- 85–86% C- 72–73% D- 65–66%
B+ 92–93% C+ 83–84% D+ 70–71% F <65%

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Academic Honesty

Students are expected to be familiar with and comply with the college statement on academic honesty found here.

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If you have a disability and need accommodations in this course, please discuss it with the Director of the Center for Academic Success and Advising, Ms. Sharon Mulligan. Her office is in the CASA suite (in room 222 in the Chamberlain Center) and the CASA extension is 2610. Please let me know how I can assist you as well.

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Some possible places to find assistance:

  • Fellow students
  • Help sessions
  • Office hours
  • The internet; there are several good websites with calculus help that you are welcome to use for additional explanations, but you may not use the internet for solutions

Time Commitment

In accordance with the guidelines of 2–3 hours of work for each credit hour for a course, the well-prepared student should spend approximately 8–12 hours of work per week beyond the time spent in class. If you find that you are spending significantly more time than this, please let me know so that I can help you be more efficient or adjust the workload. If you are spending less time than this, you may not be investing enough time to learn well.