R, RStudio and all that...


The very first thing you should do is install R and RStudio on your computer. To do this, work through this brief setup tutorial.


The next thing is to begin learning R; that is, to become a useR! DataCamp offers interactive R and Python courses on topics in data science, statistics, and machine learning. You don’t need R or RStudio on your computer to take these courses–they provide an interactive R enviroment that is fully integrated into the tutorials.

DataCamp’s Introduction to R course is completely free, and you should start your jouRney there. If you are in one of my classes that has its own DataCamp group, then this course will be the first assignment. So make sure to join the group!

R for Data Science

Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham’s excellent book, R for Data Science, is a great resource for “mastering” the tidyverse.